University Project

Python FaceRecognition Voting System

A voting app developed in python, uses face recognition to track who has voted.
Project image

The Face Recognition Python Project is a sophisticated application designed to utilise biometric technology for secure and efficient facial recognition. Developed in Python, it leverages advanced libraries such as OpenCV and dlib to accurately detect and identify facial features. This project is designed to demonstrate the power of machine learning and image processing in real-world applications, such as security systems and user authentication.

The application allows users to train the system by uploading facial images to create a dataset, which is then processed to recognise and verify individuals. Its modular structure ensures flexibility and scalability, making it an ideal foundation for further development or integration into larger systems. The Face Recognition Python Project underscores my expertise in programming and his commitment to creating innovative and practical solutions.

Download it for yourself

All my projects can be found on GitHub, click below to go directly to Python_FaceRecogniton_Voting.